I'm sure alot of my fellow yahoo buddies and friends are wondering where in the world I've been lately. I've had an incredible amount of things going on with us this past couple of months, so I'll try to update you as best as possible.
May 3rd
Celebrated my 40th birthday
May 11th
Celebrated my mother's birthday
Celebrated Mother's Day and kids and Daddy took me out to my favorite Japanese Hibachi restaurant. Very Nice.
Agency Changes
Things have been a little crazy since learning that are local branch has made some drastic changes not to mention that we had to change our home study agency in the midst of updating my paperwork.
I'm glad to say that we are done updating all our paperwork and our just awaiting our HS SW to make her visit out to us before our HS expires on August 4, 2008. We are suppose to have our appointment with her on July 8th. I was getting a little nervous that we were going to get this done in time, but we kept everything current and received all our paperwork back in time, now just waiting on our appt. with her.
June 6th was the boys last day of school. Craigy's last year at the elementary school. Happy for him to be moving on, but bitter sweet as he moves onward to the middle school in September.
June 17th
Our baby Rylan (ok, toddler) celebrated is 3rd birthday.
Celebrated Father's Day with Craig. He finally finished he's cobra and put it in the Summit Racing Car Show.
We've seen a couple of movies lately:
Iron Man - LOVED IT
Kung Fu Panda - Enjoyed it
WALL E - Slowing moving in being, but still a pretty good movie too!
I have to be honest I haven't been checking anyone's blogs as much as I've tried I've let myself get into a slump with the slow down of referrals and the with paperwork renewal process, but I vowed to let this serve as a positive step as we've completed another milestone by entering the renewal portion of this wait.
Oh, I forgot to mention that my computer crashed, but it's up and working now, so I'm back again to blogger world.
I promise I'll keep up a little better on my blogging.