Monday, March 31, 2008

Easter Holiday at Our House

Easter went really well this year. Here's a picture of all our family and some friends.

This includes, siblings, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles extended family...basically you name it. Still not sure how we manage to squeeze everyone in every year. This year we had 32 guests. Needless to say we had alot of food!

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Every time Bob The Builder comes on Rylan immediately stops what he is doing and comes running into the room to dance to the intro of Bob The Builder. Alot of times he will dance in a circle so long that he gets dizzy and falls down.

Rylan learning to put his own pants on BACKWARDS

Here's another funny clip of Rylan learning to put his own pants on. Hey, even if their on backwards. Atleast he got them on, Right?

Friday, March 28, 2008

Birthday Announcements

Happy Birthday

Nicholas (my nephew) who turns 18 on the March 28
Steve (my brother) who turns 47 on March 30th
Krissy (my very best friend in the whole world!!) who turns???? (a girl never reveals her age..ha ha)

Wishing each and every one of you a terrific Happy Birthday!!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Logged in for 16 months

Today marks our 16 month of being logged in with China. I'm really hoping to be celebrating soon our announcement that we've passed the review room. No official word yet. According to our agency they are working on mid December 2006 dossiers, but they haven't yet received the official word nor has their "box" been updated as of yet. Keeping my fingers crossed. Wouldn't it be great if they're taking so long in the review room cause they moved the personnel from the review room (dept. 1) to the matching room (dept. 2) I can dream, right???

Here's the current status:
DEPARTMENT I AND DEPARTMENT II - Department 1 (the reviewing room) began reviewing November 2006 dossiers 12/07. Department II (the matching room) currently has January 5, 2006 through October 31, 2006 dossiers.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Rylan Cracks Egg

Here's a quick video of Rylan cracking egg on big brothers head unexpectedly. Pretty funny. Hope you enjoy. I've also posted it on you tube.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!!!

Hope everyone had a great Easter. We had a good Easter and alot of family over to our house. I've included some pics of our family and the kids doing an Easter Egg hunt. I finally went out and purchased a new camera as the camera that I used to have got lost in the snow while we went sled riding after we had that huge snow storm a couple of weeks ago, so I finally mustered up the courage to go buy another camera. I was more bummed about losing all my pics than losing the camera. I keep hoping once all he snow defrosts that I'll find it and maybe be able to pull some pics off the disk. Wishful thinking, huh?

Happy Easter!!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Laser Tag

Well yesterday afternoon we went to my favorite Japenese Hibachi Steakhouse "Wasabi" and afterwards Craig said hey, lets go plays laser tag!!! So of course the boys were all excited and its was only 5 minutes down the road from the restaurant. Daddy, Craigy, and Zack had a blast and Ry Ry and I sat outside in the game room and had a lot of fun too playing video games while we waited on them. Craigy was in 3rd place out of 31 people, Daddy in 9th, and Zack in last, but he didn't care cause it was so much fun.

As a matter of fact, they had so much fun that Daddy, Craigy, and Zack decided to go again this afternoon, but to also bring their three cousins with them, so needless to say, since Ry Ry is up taking a nap and I thought I would get a little blogging in to update our blog.

Hope all my fellow bloggers had a good weekend.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Baby Shower

This morning I went to a baby shower for a friend of ours. She is having a little girl. She got the cutest little outfits and socks. Boy, how reality has set in that this adoption seems to get slower and slower. It's hard to believe that a couple of years ago that they were married and now theyre having their 1st child a "little girl". I'm so so VERY VERY HAPPY for them, if anyone deserves it, they do! but it's really hard to keep upbeat all of the time. Sometimes, I wonder if we ever will get our little girl. I keep telling myself we will, but honestly I also need to be realistic. I hope and pray that someday soon we get to bring our little one home. On a good note, we should be hearing anyday now that they are into referrals for 2006 and hoping someday so that we get word that November 2006 is out of the review room.