Sunday, January 20, 2008

Craig's 40th Surprise party

I know I haven't been posting very often, but I have good reason. I have spent the past 3 months planning a surprise party for my husband's 40th birthday. His birthday is actually Jan. 20th, but planned his party a week prior (Jan. 12th), so he wouldn't figure it out. Wow, it was pretty hard trying to keep a secret that long from him and the kids. I basically spent every moment that he wasn't around trying to do invitations, ordering party items, creating a slideshow, gathering and scanning old photos. Well, I must say it was the best and most special birthday ever. He didn't figure anything out until 15 minutes prior to his party, but that was fine cause I still had more surprises up my sleeve. I'm going to trying to post his slideshow on youtube and then attach it here also to view. His slideshow starts off with him as a child and pictures of him with his parents growing up. Both his parents passed away several years ago, so I wanted to make it very special for him, after the first song it speeds up showing my husband's adventureous self that he is and then ends with him, me and the boys. I hope it will post okay and I hope all of you enjoy the slide show. My final surprise to him was I was able to contact a very old and dear friend of his that was our best man in our wedding and that he had been friends with since age 2that had moved out of state and we had lost his contact info after they moved. As I was cleaning for the party I found an old number and tracked him down. Funny thing is, a few months ago Craig mentioned that he wished he knew were we had put his old phone number and address info. I used to have it written in permanent marker on the dry erase board (not so permanent!) and it got erased. T I would like to end by saying that I have been very pleased to have met my husband right out of high school and to have had 3 beautiful loving boys along the way. As you will see I by the slideshow. What's not to love. p.s. I'm having trouble uploading to youtube. Hopefully I'll have it up tonight or tomorrow.


Pam and Jeff said...

A suprise party is hard to pull off. You did it!!! Happy Birthday-Craig!!!!

Brandi said...

Happy Birthday Craig!

I bet that was tough to plan! I better start thinking now (I've got about 3.5 may take that long!)

Laura said...

Happy Birthday to Craig! Sounds like you planned a wonderful surprise.