Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Caught Sneeking Candy!

Last night as I was checking all my emails and went upstairs to go to bed as usual, I checked in on the boys. Well, to fully appreciate this photo. We have what you would call a candyaholic in our house (ha ha). Craig had just got a treat bag from a birthday party the other night and I thought I had hide the candy. Evidently I didn't do a very good job. The candy napper feel asleep with his evidence!!!!


Brandi said...

That is too funny! Sounds exactly like something my 9 year old would do!

Angie said...

Ok...I don't know where I have been but I didn't realize you had a blog. I look at your website from time to time but I didn't know about this until today. I found it through Brandi's blog. I will add a link to my blog and will be keeping up with your precious family!
That is too funny with the "candyaholoic" asleep with the evidence still in his mouth!!! Very cute!
